A rough patch in every work-from-home setup

The world turned upside down when the Covid-19 pandemic happened. The majority of our plans had to cancel. Some of us experienced how it feels to getting hired for a dream job abroad and suddenly pandemic happened, so their flights going to other country was postponed and others were laid off from their long-time company. With that, the work-from-home setup skyrocketed, as well as the online homeschooling.

Sometimes, there are things we really can’t control. It is better if we’ll focus on thinking or creating a solution on how we can move forward on the situation we have. So, many of us had the courage to finally set our minds on searching and pursuing the online world. Of course, we shouldn’t let our family and our tummy starve and we have to find a way to work our ass off.

Deep dive into the rough patch in every work-from-home setup

If you think that working on-site is stressful and you hardly can’t take the attitude of your office-mates, then allow me to enumerate some of the challenges that a working-from-home setup often dwells:

  • Delivery Rider While You’re In The Midst Of Zoom Meeting

May it be a food delivery or the items from your recent online shopping haul, isn’t it quite embarrassing when they arrive during your call with a potential client or a boss?

And the delivery rider keeps on ringing the doorbell, such a funny experience.

  • Poor internet connection

You’re lucky if you live in a country that has an extremely high-speed internet connection! While some countries still experience difficulty from time to time, it’s really annoying when you have tons of work and deadlines to meet.

  • Pets

Sometimes our pets are so spoiled that we can’t bear it if we see them in uncomfortable conditions even in a short period of time. There are times when you have a lot of pets and they’re creating a noise if you’re too busy and you don’t quickly give them your attention. 

Well, at times, it’s the neighborhood’s pet that you can’t control the noise.

  • Children

If you already have a child, multitasking at its finest is what you need. 

Salute to all the moms who are breastfeeding while working on their laptops or desktop. Hail to the busy parents who always willing to sacrifice their time and sleep for the betterment of everybody.

  • Annoying Rooster or Hens’ Noise

I don’t know in other countries if you also have a neighbor in your village that has a lot of roosters or hens. It is given if you’re residing near a farm or poultry but if it’s inside the village, like my neighborhood, it’s quite annoying.

Especially when you’re having a video call meeting, a voice-work, or appointment setting and they’re creating noise, all the sound that the other line can hear is your background noise. 

How about you, what work-from-home setup rough patch have you encountered?

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