A rough patch in every work-from-home setup

The world turned upside down when the Covid-19 pandemic happened. The majority of our plans had to cancel. Some of us experienced how it feels to getting hired for a dream job abroad and suddenly pandemic happened, so their flights going to other country was postponed and others were laid off from their long-time company. With that, the work-from-home setup skyrocketed, as well as the online homeschooling.

Sometimes, there are things we really can’t control. It is better if we’ll focus on thinking or creating a solution on how we can move forward on the situation we have. So, many of us had the courage to finally set our minds on searching and pursuing the online world. Of course, we shouldn’t let our family and our tummy starve and we have to find a way to work our ass off.

Deep dive into the rough patch in every work-from-home setup

Continue reading A rough patch in every work-from-home setup

How To Easily Set Your Goals

Isn’t it amazing if you really know the things that you want to achieve? 

Like, your vision is crystal clear to set your goals and you have the full courage to attain it. 

Sounds great, right?

But if you’re struggling with the thought of “how could I possibly achieve my goals?”, then stay tuned ‘cause I’m here to share some easy and helpful tips for you.

Here are the tips that you can consider:

Continue reading How To Easily Set Your Goals

Would You Consider a Career Change due to Pandemic?

In this trying time, we all know that majority of the population are affected by the pandemic.

Hands down to the companies that are determined to support their people, even if they’re struggling too.
Every industry is having a hard time to recover and leaving them an option to lay off almost half or their employees.

Because of this pandemic, the economy is also suffering.

In the midst of chaos, would you consider a career change?

Continue reading Would You Consider a Career Change due to Pandemic?

The true essence of being a woman is not just to be a mother

Many are having a debate when it comes to the topic of “The essence of being a woman.”

We all know that each of us has a different perspective. If your belief is not the same as mine, I should still listen and respect your point of view.

I hope you will do the same.

So here, let us dig deeper and I will elaborate to you.

Continue reading The true essence of being a woman is not just to be a mother

Lose Weight without Exercise: Intermittent Fasting

Photo by Ella Olsson on Pexels.com

Have You Heard About The Intermittent Fasting?

It is one of the most famous diet plans across the globe.
People are engaging themselves to lose weight, improve their health, and some are doing this as lifestyle hack, later you will know why!
Hundreds of research show that fasting can benefit to individual to help our body to repair its cells, hormones, and tissues.

Continue reading Lose Weight without Exercise: Intermittent Fasting